

Marketing Strategy | Messaging | Positioning | Branding | Website Design | Managed Marketing

How we repositioned EPT’s online presence with a user centric website.

The Situation

Elec Power Technologies, a leading provider of electrical power solutions, approached our marketing agency seeking assistance in repositioning their online presence. Despite having a strong reputation in the industry, their website and overall digital strategy were outdated and failed to effectively engage their target audience. They recognized the need to revamp their online presence to better align with their customers’ needs and expectations.

The Approach

To address Elec Power Technologies’ challenges, we developed a comprehensive approach that encompassed various services to create a user-centric website and enhance their overall digital strategy.

Marketing Strategy:

We conducted an in-depth analysis of Elec Power Technologies’ target market, competitive landscape, and industry trends to develop a tailored marketing strategy. This strategy focused on identifying key customer segments, positioning the brand effectively, and defining clear objectives and tactics for achieving their goals.

Brand Strategy and Development:

Understanding the importance of a strong brand identity, we worked closely with Elec Power Technologies to refine and strengthen their brand positioning. We conducted brand workshops, market research, and competitor analysis to identify their unique value proposition and key differentiators. Using these insights, we developed a compelling brand strategy that resonated with their target audience and reflected their expertise in the electrical power solutions industry.


Crafting effective messaging was crucial to conveying Elec Power Technologies’ value proposition to their customers. We refined their messaging framework, ensuring it was clear, concise, and customer-focused. By highlighting the benefits and solutions they offered, we created compelling content that resonated with their audience and positioned them as a trusted partner in the industry.

Website Design and Development:

We undertook a complete overhaul of Elec Power Technologies’ website to transform it into a user-centric platform. We developed a modern and visually appealing design that was both intuitive and user-friendly. The website was optimised for easy navigation, providing visitors with a seamless experience to find the information they needed quickly. Additionally, we implemented responsive design principles to ensure a consistent and engaging experience across all devices.

The Outcome

The engagement resulted in significant outcomes for Elec Power Technologies, boosting their online presence and overall business performance.

Improved Brand Perception:

Through our strategic brand development efforts, Elec Power Technologies achieved a stronger brand presence and perception in the market. Their refined brand positioning and messaging effectively communicated their expertise, reliability, and commitment to customer satisfaction. This enhanced brand perception helped them stand out from competitors and gain a competitive edge.

Increased Website Traffic and Engagement:

The user-centric website design and development significantly improved Elec Power Technologies’ online engagement metrics. The revamped website attracted a higher volume of qualified traffic, thanks to improved search engine optimization (SEO) and intuitive navigation. Visitors spent more time exploring the website, leading to increased engagement and higher conversion rates.

Enhanced Lead Generation and Sales:

With a more compelling online presence and refined messaging, Elec Power Technologies experienced a notable increase in lead generation and customer acquisition. The user-centric website and improved brand perception attracted a higher quality of leads, resulting in an improved conversion rate and ultimately driving business growth.

Ongoing Marketing Success:

Beyond the initial engagement, our agency continued to provide Elec Power Technologies with ongoing marketing services. This included content creation, social media management, email marketing, and performance tracking. These efforts helped sustain their online presence, foster customer engagement, and nurture leads, contributing to long-term marketing success.

The Conclusion

Our comprehensive approach, consisting of marketing strategy, brand strategy and development, messaging, website design and development, and ongoing marketing services, enabled Elec Power Technologies to successfully reposition their online presence. The user-centric website and refined brand identity resulted in improved brand perception, increased website traffic and engagement, enhanced lead generation, and ongoing marketing success.


See how we have helped some of our clients


“Spark were able to build an all encompassing foundation for our business that's helping us get to the next stage of scale"

Terry King | EPT

"Spark focuses on what matters. Everything they do is ROI centric."

Hanif Ibrahim | Finance Agency

"Spark's on demand design services, are reliable and always high quality."

Rob Tenue | Shadforth

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